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2006 In 2006, Mr. Larry Gao founded HIFA Industry Limited in Hong Kong. That same year, Mr. Larry Gao set up HIFA Plastics & Metals Product Limited in The Central Wealth District in Dongguan City. In September, HIFA became strategic partners with Luther & Maelzer and undertook the circuit board testing machine assembly projects.
2007 In January of 2007, Mr. Larry Gao established HIFA Automation Equipments Mfg. (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. with 10 million HKD capital at Plainvim industrial park, which was wholly owned by HIFA Industry Limited. Since then, HIFA has been fully committed towards providing complete and integrated 'one-stop' outsourcing solutions for our valued customers.
2011 Due to HIFA business development needs, in 2011 Mr. Larry Gao established Dongguan HIFA Technology Development Co., Ltd. With a new attitude and market operation mode committed to providing complete and comprehensive "one-stop" outsourcing solutions to build partnerships with valued customers. This move gave HIFA an established strong foundation, and allowed HIFA to become a preferred supplier in various fields, with both professional, market and technical knowledge.
Copyright © Dongguan HIFA Technology Development Co., Ltd. ICP13008984